Basic Ph & Cl Text Kit

Basic Ph & Cl Text Kit

Basic Ph & Cl Text Kit

Model No: HA-053
Basic PH & Cl test Kit
Standard Packing 1
Phinol Red 15 ml
Orthotodiline 15 ml


Phenol Roure / Red

Indicator solution for Hydrogen Test (PH)

Volume: 20ML

Orthotolidine OTO:

Indicator solution for Chlorine Test (CL)


-Water Quality Test Kit For Chlorine Test (CL) and hydrogen Test (PH)

-Water a plastic box, easy to storage.

-Convenient and partical. easy to carry

Note: Please Keep out of reach of children.

Chlirine Test (CL)

- Compare your reading with the scale values.

-The Scale values represented by a number indicate the quantity of clorine combined with water

- For effective treatment, the reading should be between 1.0 and 1.5 (idal)


  1. Rinse the test vial and fill to the mark with water sample
  2. Add 4 drops of OTO (orthotolidin) solution
  3. Place cap on vial and shake to mix
  4. Compare your reading with scale values

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